Tina Gjertsen-Sav, artisan jewellery designer
Born in 1964. Artisan jewellery designer, master goldsmith.
Since 2010, I have had my own studio and showroom in Svendborg, Denmark.
Over the years, I have participated in a large number of exhibitions, and in 2018, I won the Australian Pearl Jewellery Design Masters in the men’s jewellery category with a set of cufflinks.
In 2022 I was admitted to Kjøbenhavns Guldsmedelaug, a guild of Denmark’s finest silver- and goldsmiths, and to the Danish Crafts Design Association (DKoD).
I find inspiration for my jewellery designs in nature, and employ the traditional skills of the master goldsmith in working precious metals and gemstones. My artistic mission is to achieve a result in which both the materials and the concept come to life. This applies when I work on the jewellery collections sold at my showroom, on commissioned pieces and on works for exhibitions.
Insects have been a consistent theme in my jewellery designs. I am attracted by their beauty, personalities and their warning about the state of the planet.
Working as a master goldsmith
For me, being a goldsmith is about connecting with our earliest origins. The stones, metals and minerals I work with derive from the geological birth of our planet. In transforming these materials into jewellery my hope is that their owners will reflect on the grander scheme of the world we inhabit.
I find my motifs and my materials in nature. Insects and their adaptability fascinate me and inspire ideas for jewellery designs in my sketchbook. After that, I get a thrill from physical contact with the natural materials. Because it is the interplay of the metals and stones that has to succeed for the design to come to life.
I work the materials using state-of-the-art and ancient techniques. I never render the motifs realistically but as interpretations of inner moods. This is how I retain the tension from the worked metal and the play of colour in the finished jewellery to breathe life into my fantasy insects with human-like character traits.
With my insect jewellery designs I seek to confront the notion that endangered species should be cute and that jewellery should be practical and conventionally refined. I aim for my designs to thrill, tease and pique the wearer and beholder.
Detailed CV
Tina Gjersen-Sav
In my practice as a jewellery designer, I create brooches and other pieces from precious metals and gemstones. My inspiration is drawn from insects and the natural world I observe on daily walks along the waters of Svendborgsund to my studio, which give me a sense of eternity and a wealth of ideas for new designs.
- 2010 – Own goldsmithing studio, since 2021 at Kattesundet 3, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark
- 2005-6 – Position at Leif Nyborg, goldsmith, Rudkøbing
- 1995-8 – Independent goldsmith with a studio in Harlev J near Aarhus
- 1987-94 – Positions as goldsmith at Siersbøll, Kastrup; K.R. Jewellers, Lusaka, Zambia; Rauff, Aarhus
- 1986-7 – Tutor at what is now Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Courses in enamelling, repoussé metalwork, engraving, gem-setting, metal casting. and mokume-gane at what is now Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
- 2006-09 – Bachelor of Arts (humanities), University of Southern Denmark
- 2002-05 – Bachelor in Business Economics, University of Aarhus
- 1981-85 – Goldsmith training at Vald. Jørgensen, Rudkøbing
- 2025 – Florilegium Ornamentum, group exhibition hosted by Nina Hald, Tage Andersen Blomster (floral design), Copenhagen
- 2024 – Laugenes Opvisning, guilds’ exhibition, 5 November, Moltkes Palæ, Copenhagen
- 2024 – Days of Jewellery, group exhibition, invited to participate with seven works, 3-5 October, Moltkes Palæ, Copenhagen
- 2024 – Jewellery*Film*Moments, group exhibition hosted by Nina Hald, Nordisk Film Cinemas, Frederiksberg, Viborg and Odense
- 2023 – Jordforbindelser with master goldsmiths Lone Løvschal and Mette Jensen and jewellery designer Rikke Lunnemann. MUJI, Illum department store, Copenhagen. Part of City of Jewellery, Copenhagen Goldsmiths’ Guild
- 2023 – Brooches in Vesterbro, group exhibition hosted by goldsmith Karina Noyons. Part of City of Jewellery, Copenhagen Goldsmiths’ Guild
- 2022 – Laugenes Opvisning, guilds’ exhibition, Moltkes Palæ, Copenhagen
- 2019 – Nature's Jeweller with 35 Danish and international jewellery designers, Naturama, Svendborg
- 2018 – Australian Design Master Award, travelling exhibition in Australia: the International Jewellery Fair, Sydney; the Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney; the Shinju Matsuri Festival, Broome; Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm Harvest Festival
- 2013 – Bugs and Beauties, solo exhibition hosted by Østfyns Kunstforening, Nyborg
- 2010 – Insects and other Jewels, solo exhibition hosted by Patriotisk Selskab’s art association, Odense
Commissioned works
- Anniversary coin in the shape of a wax seal in silver to mark Kerteminde’s 6th centenary as a royal market town.
- Commissioned work, Kanelbjørnen (Ruby Tiger moth brooch/pendant) for author and celebrity Professor Ditlev Tamm
- 2018 – Winner of Australian Design Master Award, Men’s category for cuff links set with South Sea pearls. Jury: Peter Keep, Director of Jewellery Training Solutions; Catherine Birch, Corporate Adviser to Jimmy Choo and Kate Hwang, Senior Creative Designer at Pallion
- 2022 – Admitted to Copenhagen Goldsmiths’ Guild
- 2022 – Admitted to the Danish Crafts Design Association
- Member of the Danish gemmological society
- Member of Cittaslow, established to improve communities by slowing the pace of urban life