A time of transformation

A few years ago, I was in the jewellery service industry, taking on every job and repair that came my way. I den periode modnedes en dyb trang til at afsøge hvad mine åndværksevner og kreativitet kunne. I eventually decided to change tack professionally, shutting up shop and setting up a studio in a more secluded setting, where I would only be open a few days a week.

This gave me plenty of time to immerse myself in my work. The quiet – the sketches – the ideas – the courage – the drive and passion for my craft were all in focus now. Initially, it wasn’t easy to heed my creativity. It took time, and I often reverted to the practices I had resolved to put behind me. Insecurity and doubts still niggled at me.

But I managed to create jewellery designs that I could scarcely recognise as my work at first. I was truly challenged professionally by my own drawings and sketches. This was empowering and liberating. This was empowering and liberating. During that time, I was drawing everything, every idea, down to the tiniest detail and vaguest lines, such as from a trip to the island of Hjortø or in the boat’s wake. Sensory impressions, scattered ideas, little things I found in the countryside, dried insects studied under a microscope. Suddenly, my days were full of inspiration. I’ve kept many of my jewellery designs on paper from that time, which I’m still dreaming of realising.

Nowadays, I’m much more alert to the free-thinking creative ideas bubbling inside me. . When I register them, I tap in, and grab my sketchpad and pencil. This is where my ideas spark freely; in my passion for my trade – for gems, for the malleability of the metal – my inner world is in sync with the world around me.

New showroom

A year ago, when the time was right for me to revert to being more visible, I opened a showroom at Kattesundet 3 in Svendborg. On the premises, I also have a nice shop where my jewellery designs can be shown to best advantage. Stop by and see for yourself! Yours, Tina

Interested in a specific piece of jewellery?

Send me your name and email address and the name of the piece of jewelry you are interested in. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Best regards, Tina